What does Change in Registered Office mean?
It is an address of a company which is used to inform the company's address to the general public, shareholders and customers where the principal activities of the company are carried out and it is also known as principal place of business and such registered office is decided by the promoters of that company Such registered office is not required to be a commercial establishment; it can be a living home as well.
Package inclusions:
- Registrar of Companies fees for shifting of registered office with a state.
- Complete follow-ups with Registrar of Companies.
Why is the importance of having the registered place of a company?
Followings are the reasons which indicates why a company must have its registered office:
- In order to receive the documents, official letters and reminders by Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) and other authorities.
- To carry out the principal activities of a company.
- For maintaining the Books of Accounts and records
- In order to ascertain the domicile of a company.
What are the different modes of Change in a registered place of a company
Following are the different modes of changing the registered place of a company:
- Within the same city, town or village, registered office can be changed from one place to another.
- Changing outside the local limits of existing place but within the jurisdiction of the same registrar within the same state.
- Changing the registered office to a place from one jurisdiction of registrar to another registrar within the same state.
- Changing the registered office place between the states i.e. from one state to another state.
For above mentioned modes, separate procedures are followed to change the registered office of a company after filing the prescribed forms with the Registrar of Companies (ROC) according to the requirement.